Optimise and Digitize with ScanIT
Digitize your borehole with ease
Gather undistorted core tray photographs easily in the field or at the core shed using UCP Africa's unique core tray photography methodology.
Precise time-effective depth referencing
ScanIT locates and uses optical character recognition to read each UCP Africa core depth marker and start depth registering your borehole as the image is imported. The geologist must then allocate any forced/natural gaps and/or loss/gain zones to accurately depth reference your core run according to logging best practise procedures.
Precise structural logging
Log a planar feature with three clicks of the mouse. Immediate QAQC analysis available through pop-up Stereonets and Orthographic representations.
Import logging parameters for all features
User defined logging parameters can be imported into ScanIT to allow users to accurately log their features. Whether it be Primary or Secondary Lithologies, Planar Features or Lineations - add your project specific logging parameters into each feature to obtain complete Lithological and Structural logs which are exported into Excel format for ease of data transfer.
3D representation of your borehole
Scroll up and down your borehole from all sides. See how planar features would interact with each other. Conceptualise underground geology. See potential lines of intersection of features.